Sunday, March 13, 2016

Accusations towards Israel.

Recently I wrote an post on the unfair treatment between Palestinians and Jews from police forces. I compared the fact that Palestinians are being treated worse than Jews who commit an act of terror (i.e. a Palestinian will be shot immediately while a Jew will be tackled or some other form of non lethal force) to the black lives matter movement in Israel. Today I read an article saying how that is not ok to do. It mentions how it makes Israel seem like they are shooting at unarmed Palestinians because of suspicion, which they are not doing. This makes Israel look worse to the rest of the world by comparing the Palestinian struggle to movements like black lives matter. What the article fails to mention is that, like I said, Palestinians and Jews are not treated equally under police force. I agree that it is not right to compare the Palestinian struggle with the Black lives matter movement because Palestinians are very clearly committing acts of terror, while African Americans are often unarmed when they are shot. But I feel like it is very reasonable to compare the two while talking about equality under the law. When a Palestinian commits an act of terror the outcome is almost always death, and possibly their families house being destroyed. When a Jew commits an act of terror the outcome is almost always being dragged away in handcuffs then tried in a court. This is very much like the difference between African Americans and Caucasians in America, which is very much unacceptable.


  1. I just love that, as you gain more information, and more perspectives on your topics, that you are able to adjust your views and admit when you have learned something new that resulted in these changes!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. It's wonderful to see how you are maturing, by not taking the written or spoken word at face value; but, looking at both sides from your own eyes to determine how you feel about issues. Most people don't take the time to do this. I'm very grateful EIE is helping you gain these tools (as your parents have already started with you) to know there are two sides to a story.

  4. It's wonderful to see how you are maturing, by not taking the written or spoken word at face value; but, looking at both sides from your own eyes to determine how you feel about issues. Most people don't take the time to do this. I'm very grateful EIE is helping you gain these tools (as your parents have already started with you) to know there are two sides to a story.
