Thursday, January 28, 2016

Documentary Hypothesis Thoughts

So today was my first real day of Jewish History class and I am honestly looking forward to every day of class very much. We talked about where to begin in Jewish history, due to how difficult it is as a class we still haven’t determined an answer. On the other hand, we did begin to discuss the Tanakh, where it came from, and different hypothesis of who wrote it. My favorite hypothesis that we discussed was the Documentary Hypothesis; It pretty much states that the Tanakh is actually a combination of 5 different authors, and it is multiple similar stories smushed together to create one stories. For Example; The story of Noah’s ark has a major contradiction, It Begins in Genisis 6 by saying “…You shall take two of each into the ark…” (6:19). We know this, Noah took pairs of animals, Right?  But then in Genisis 7 it states “ Of every clean animal you shall take seven pairs, males and their mates…” (7:2). Often Times we don’t hear about this passage. This is the reason why it is believed that similar stories were combined into one story like Noah’s Ark. Personally I accept this hypothesis, with a modern twist. I think that there were more than just 5 authors, I think that over time people kept adding things and removing things from the stories with their own bias. This can often times cause contradiction, as seen in Noah’s Ark. So that’s just a short summary of my JHist class. I’m very excited for more classes and learning more about the history of the Tanakh and the Jewish people. I’m also willing to talk about the things that I learn at great length if anyone wants to hear more! 

Here is a beautiful picture of the spice garden just cause.


  1. Sounds like this class is going to validate many things you have been reading about over the years, with some new possibilities thrown in here and there for you to keep growing your beliefs!

  2. Jacob, Thank you for sharing what you talked about as it really does get one thinking about the validity and different perspectives involved in writing the Torah. This is very exciting for me since we were always taught to take the Word as it is stated - even though different people get different meanings from passages. The fact that you and your class can discuss all of this makes the Word more exciting and opens everyone's mind to really think and make up your own decisions on the meaning. I. Eliwve it also strengthens a person's faith. Your writing style is so easy to understand. Looking forward to more posts. XO
