Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Israel is Higher than ever in the medical cannabis industry

Medical Marijuana has been a huge debate in the world recently. Marijuana was actually used for many things like cloth, rope, incense and much more, up until around the early 1900s. Most of the world began adopting the prohibition of marijuana for mostly religious reasons, it is a mind altering drug that most of the christian religions view as a sin. But in recent years cannabis have started to be used in the field of medicine. One of the main cannabinoids (active constituents) within cannabis is called Cannabidiol, or CBD for short. CBD is the main compound that is causing such a growing medical industry. CBD has been proven to be more effective at treating pain, helping recovery during and after chemo therapy, and has helped to treat forms of epilepsy.
Now onto the Israel part of this. About 2 weeks ago, Israel held a cannabis convention, Cannatech. It was about starting up companies to help grow the medical industry for cannabis. It was a huge success and helped to show how much cannabis could truly help in the medical field today. Israel is rising in this industry because of its know how withing the technical/medical industry, as well as the agriculture industry.  Just a slight problem, Marijuana, medical or not, is illegal in Israel. That is on its way out. The benefits of medical marijuana are just incredible and could advance the worlds study on curing diseases immensely. One of the largest technology colleges in the world, The Technion, is going to begin classes on medical cannabis. This just shows how much of an impact cannabis is making on the technological world as well.
Medical marijuana will be legal in years to come, but for now the studying and advancement of the field is still incredible. Cannabis has already helped a large number of people, and it will continue to help more and more.



  1. Very interesting information about marijuana, Jacob. I didn't know that much about it. Your group certainly talks about diverse subjects. Do you get to chose what to talk about or is your EIE professor giving you subjects? Anyway,as an FYI, I've always had a problem with "religion". To me, it means something man-made - not totally true if it isn't God's word. When people through the years wrote the Torah, then the Karan and Bible, the interpretations changed by the language and interpretors.Is being Jewish a religion? I think it's more a people of God. I like the word "spiritual" or "faith" as opposed to religion. To me,spiritual/faith means I use the brain and eyes God gave me to figure out from the different things in the holy books the best way to live my life in a Godly way. I was brought up to question and seek. You said using marijuana is a sin for Christians but I don't believe they knew the benefits of it so many years ago. With our technology today, those parts of the Bible need to be re-written or people have to think how God would feel if we used this drug in a good way. Unfortunately many people live with rules from the past that no longer apply -yet, it says it in the Bible so they believe it. I could be all wrong in my thinking, but my faith tells me to think for myself....yours does too. Your thoughts?

    1. Is there a verse in the Bible that talks about drugs being a sin? The only sins I know of that are God's words are the Ten Commandments. Enlighten me...I love discussing.
